Whenever we are depressed, anxious, embarrassed, feeling self conscious, our ego kicks in and give us a good telling off. It cannot abide us not being Mr and Mrs Perfect. This is unacceptable and because we are all brought up in the same way it is unacceptable to other people too. We judge ourselves and we are judged by others. It's a double whammy. Our habit of judging is our biggest obstacle. Judgment comes in immediately we find ourselves behaving in a way our ego is not proud of and if we find we cannot get out of our mood, the judgement gets more severe. The trick is to ‘ALLOW’ the mood. ‘ALLOWING’ is the opposite of judgement. Allowing takes the force away from our judgement of ourselves. The more we allow, the less judgement, the more we relax, the more we are free of our mood. Our mood only exists because of our judgement of ourselves.